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Monday 1st February

PSHE - 1st February - resilience

PE Shang Dynasty Lesson 4


LO: Can I plan a sequence of moves?

n this lesson, we start to put together all our moves that we have practised - the basic shapes, the individual balances, fitness and martial moves.  I would like you to select at two moves from each of the sections, and put them together into a sequence. Write down your order, as you will see Leah, my helper in this lesson, has done. The emphasis is on strong moves, holding each one for five second (not less!), and a strong, controlled transition between each one. You can add extra moves, but make them strong and hold them!

Keep you sheet with your moves, as you will also need it for the next lesson, It would be great to see a photo of your plan.

Thanks for Leah in Year 5 for help with this lesson.
