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What do governors do?


We currently have 1 co-opted governor vacancy. if you would like to find out more information about this rewarding opportunity, please contact us for further details. Please also refer to the information for prospective governors at the bottom of the page.

The governors are responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education.  
In all types of schools, governing bodies should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:
1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

In order to do this, we have meetings every half term, the minutes can be found on the notice board in the school reception and in the sub-page "FGB minutes".

We give our time voluntarily and do not get paid.  We are enthusiastic and dedicated to the school; we act with the best interest of the pupils of Haselworth in mind at all times.

As well as our half-termly full governing body meetings, we have committees that also meet half termly. The committees focus on a certain area of the school, they are responsible for policies relevant to the committee and monitor and review them. Each governor belongs to at least one committee and is linked to at least one subject.

Subject link governors meet with the subject's Learning Leader (a teacher responsible for that subject in the school); the governors monitor the subject action plans, priorities and children's learning and progress in the subject across the school.

SPEC stands for Strategic, Planning and Evaluation Committee. This committee monitors plans and strategies for school improvement and ensures all the committees are focused on the school improvement plan. The committee also monitors governors roles and responsibilities and the performance of the governing body.
Curriculum, Standards and Achievement committee oversees the implementation and provision of the curriculum to ensure a broad-balanced inclusive curriculum. Whilst all vulnerable groups are monitored, they monitor all pupils' attainment levels and progress in each year group, with a focus on Reading, Writing and Maths. They also monitor attendance. All the school data they receive, they analyse to identify trends, patterns, areas of strength, areas for concern and plan strategies for school improvement.

Resources and Premises committee reviews the school budget, monitors expenditure, financial planning and ensures proper financial controls are in place. They monitor spending in all areas, including the spending of Pupil Premium, Primary Sports Funding, SEND budget, and spending on Looked After Children. They carry out audits on finance and personnel records. They are also responsible for staff and personnel matters including staff recruitment, training and performance.
The committee is also responsible for the maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the school and for monitoring Health and Safety in the school. They also maintain the Maintenance & Development plan for improving the building and site including works, fixtures and furnishings - prioritising items and allocating funding against these items.

We have additional committees held less frequently:-
Headteacher Performance Management: holds the Headteacher's annual performance management review and interim meetings. The committee agrees the performance objectives for the Headteacher and whether she has met them with the advise of an external adviser who oversees and guides the process.

Pay committee: receives recommendations on staff's pay following their performance management and makes decisions on pay progression.

Finally we have guidance for committees that need to be formed to deal with issues as they arise (for example pay appeals, pupil exclusion, staff dismissal).