Celebration Assembly
Every Friday afternoon, at 2.30 pm we all gather to celebrate the achievements of the children. We start the assembly by reflecting on the school vision. Children have the time to think about how they have demonstrated the vision that week.
The teaching team nominate children from their class for demonstrating one or more of the school values. Children stand up when their name is called out and we share why they have been nominated. They are invited to sit at the front of the assembly hall.
Another award that is presented is called the Learner of the Week. This is given to a child who consistently models the 'Haselworth Way' in all that they do.
A key focus for the school is handwriting. Each week a child is recognised for their progress in handwriting.
Class of the week is awarded the Haselworth Bear. Classes can also aim to collect 10 silver coins which results in a class reward of the children's choosing.
Classes enjoy competing against each other whilst developing their knowledge of times tables.
Our other awards include Top Table, Tidy Lunch Trolley and Healthy Eating Award.
The Breakfast Club Team also recognise a child, each week, for meeting the expectations/rules of that club and they are awarded a certificate.