Contingency Planning
Haselworth Primary School has a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan in place to cover a range of critical situations. This is reviewed by staff and governors regularly. It is not published here as it contains confidential information, including staff personal contact details. The plan covers potential events which may require actions including evacuation, lockdown and/or business continuity planning. Please contact the school offices should you require any further information.
Adverse Weather Conditions Summary
We understand that weather conditions can change rapidly and may impact the safety and well-being of our pupils and staff. Our priority is to ensure everyone remains safe while minimizing disruptions to learning. Here’s how we manage different weather scenarios:
Hot Weather
- Temperature Monitoring: We consistently monitor temperatures to ensure classroom environments remain comfortable. We aim to maintain a 'reasonable' indoor temperature, as per government guidelines.
- Sun Safety: Pupils are encouraged to wear hats and apply sunscreen before coming to school. Staff will supervise the application of sunscreen when needed.
- Hydration: We ensure easy access to water and encourage regular hydration throughout the day.
- Outdoor Activities: Physical activities are limited during peak heat. We provide shaded areas and adjust playtimes as necessary.
Cold Weather
- Heating Systems: Our heating systems are regularly checked and maintained to ensure classrooms are warm and conducive to learning.
- Appropriate Clothing: We advise parents to dress their children in layers during colder months and ensure they have appropriate winter clothing for outdoor activities.
Snow and Ice: In the event of snow or ice, we assess the safety of pathways and outdoor areas. The school may close if conditions are deemed unsafe, and parents will be notified via text, on our school website and posted on the Hampshire County Council Emergency School Closures page
Severe Weather Events
- Communication: In the event of severe weather, we will communicate promptly with parents via email, text, and updates on our school website.
- School Closures: Decisions about school closures will be made based on local authority guidance and safety assessments. We aim to make these decisions as early as possible to minimize inconvenience.
- Emergency Contacts: Please ensure that your contact information is up-to-date so we can reach you in case of an emergency.