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Meet the Governors

Meet Our Governing Body


Welcome from the Chair of Governors

Welcome to our governor page. Governors share the school's vision of helping all children to become confident individuals, successful learners and equip them with the life skills they will need at secondary school and beyond. We are all very proud to be associated with this successful, community school.


Our governors support the work of our school in many ways through monitoring, observation, consultation and discussion. A key part of our role is to offer challenge and support whilst remaining aware of the well-being of the children, staff and all members of the school community.


Our team of governors has a wide range of experience from different backgrounds and we use this experience to help us fulfill our roles within the governing body, such as carrying out health and safety inspections, classroom observation, monitoring of safeguarding and financial planning. 

The organisation and structure of our governing body is shown below and you can also find  the minutes from our Full Governing Body meetings and some more detailed information about what governors do.


Governing Body Core Functions

1. ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

2. holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils

and the performance management of staff

3. overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

4. ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard


Chris Roast

Chair of Governors


List of Current Governors


Mrs Natasha Jones - Headteacher

Headteacher, Governor (by right of office)

Term of Office 23/04/2019 - 

In attendance at Pay committee.

Safer Recruitment.

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Dr Christopher Roast - Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of Office: 4 years. 27/01/2023 - 26/01/2027

HT Performance Review Panel 

Safer Recruitment.

Development & Training Governor

Pupil Premium Governor

Safeguarding/H&S Governor


Mrs Julie Millard

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years, 27/03/2019 - 26/03/2023

Attendance Governor


Mr Greg Whates

Parent Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years, 23/11/2020 - 22/11/2024

Inclusion link Governor


Mrs Judith Turnbull

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years, 25/09/2021 - 24/09/2025

Science link Governor


Mrs Kerry Howard - Deputy Headteacher

Staff Governor (elected by the staff)

Term of office: 4 years, 28/11/2022 - 27/11/2026

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mr Phil Downham

Local Authority Governor (appointed by the GB and endorsed by the LA)

Term of office: 4 years, 15/07/2024 - 14/07/2028

Maths link Governor


Mrs Francesca Buxey

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years, 15/07/2024 - 14/07/2028

English link Governor


Mrs Louisa Trafford

Clerk to the Governing Body


Previous Governors 


Mrs Karen Whiting

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years, 27/11/2023 - 26/11/2027

SEND link Governor


Mr Philip Bleckly 

Local Authority Governor (appointed by the GB and endorsed by the LA)

Term of Office: 4 years. 1 Feb 2021 to 31 Jan 2025

Chair of the Pay committee.

Pay committee 

Safer Recruitment

Health and Safety and GDPR Link Governor.

South East Forum representative


Mrs Llyn Codling

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years, 22/11/2021 - 21/11/2025

Early Years link Governor


Mrs Alison Allsopp - Vice Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 05/12/2018 - 04/12/2022

HT Performance Review Panel 

Science, Curriculum and Looked After Children Link Governor


Mrs Babs Taylor

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 25/05/2021- 24/05/2025

Member of the Curriculum, Standards, and Achievement committee


Mr David Williams

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 05/12/2018 - 04/12/2022

Member of the Resources & Premises and Pay committees

Maths Link Governor


Mrs Sian Hosmer

Staff Governor (appointed by the staff)

Term of office: 4 years. 07/12/2021 / 06/12/2025

Member of the Resources and Premises Committee

Deputy Headteacher.

Chair of the Curriculum, Standards and Achievement committee.

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Inclusions Leader


Mrs Catherine House

Parent Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years, 23/11/2020 - 22/11/2024

Member of the Curriculum, Standards, and Achievement committee

Science Link Governor


Mrs Sarah Woods

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 10/10/2018 - resigned 04/01/2021

Member of the Pay committee

Development & Training Governor

Science Link Governor


Mrs Nikki Cameron - Vice Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 06/12/2017 - resigned 28/08/2020

Member of the Curriculum, Standards and Achievement committee, and Strategic, Planning and Evaluation Committee.

Safer Recruitment.

Development and Training Governor (DTG).

Early Years Link Governor.


Miss Kate Powell

Parent Governor (appointed by the parents)

Term of office: 4 years. 27/09/2017 - resigned 28/08/2020

Member of the Strategic, Planning and Evaluation Committee

Co-chair of SPEC committee

Attendance Link Governor


Mr Melvin Piper

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 05/12/2018 - resigned 20/01/2020

Member of the Resources and Premises Committee


Miss Victoria Wright

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 07/02/2018 - 22/07/2019

SEND, Attendance and Inclusions Link Governor


Mrs Emma Steele - Headteacher

Headteacher Governor (by right of office)

Term of Office 

Member of the Curriculum, Standards and Achievements committee, Resources and Premises committee and Strategic, Planning and Evaluation Committee (SPEC). In attendance at Pay committee.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Safer Recruitment.


Mrs Aimie Williams

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of Office: 4 years 28/01/2015 - left 06/01/2019

Chair of Governors, Chair of HT Performance Review panel and Chair of SPEC

Member of Curriculum, Standards & Achievements Committee, Resources & Premises Committee and SPEC. In attendance at Pay committee

Safeguarding Governor (includes looked after children) Designated governor for safeguarding complaints against the HT. Safer Recruitment. SMSC Governor (includes British Values, RE & P4C)

Inclusions Governor


Mr Nigel Williams

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 28/01/2015 – left 27/09/2018

Member of the Resources and Premises committee.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Governor.


Mrs Katy McFaul

Co-opted Governor (appointed by the governors)

Term of office: 4 years. 27/09/2017 - left 27/09/2018

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Governor.


Mrs Debbie Stevenson

Parent Governor (appointed by the parents)

Term of office: 4 years. 30/09/2016 – left 13/06/2018

Member of the Curriculum, Standards and Achievement committee and Pay committee.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Governor.

Attendance Governor.


Mrs Kate Ashman

Staff Governor (appointed by the staff)

Term of Office: 4 years. 01/09/2015 – left 06/12/2017 (stepped down as Staff Governor and became Associate Member) 

Chair of the Curriculum, Standards and Achievement committee.

Member of the Curriculum, Standards and Achievement committee, and Strategic Planning and Evaluation Committee.

Deputy designated safeguarding lead (DSL).

Associate Member 07/12/2017 - 31/08/2018 (left the school)



Scheme of Delegation

Our instrument of government