Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
We run a Breakfast Club for all pupils every day from 7.45-8.30am. The gate will close at 8.00am for security reasons. The cost of this service is £4 per day. This must be booked in advance.
Children can have breakfast, which includes a range of cereals and toast.
They also have the opportunity to spend time with their friends and peers, including playing games and with toys. At the end of club, they are accompanied to their classes at 8.30am ready to start their school day.
Breakfast club is popular, with on average 40 children a day coming along.
This year we have been closely monitoring our school Breakfast Club. Breakfast Club is a non-profit activity within our school. All income received covers the cost of the Breakfast Club staff salary and the food provided. Unfortunately, over the last few years we have seen a decline in attendance and there is not enough income to cover the basic costs to run it.
Breakfast Club is important for our working families as well as children who struggle with attendance, in order to ensure the successful continuation of the club, we are no longer in a position to be able to offer the club for free to pupil premium/free school meal eligible children. Therefore, with effect from the 4th September Breakfast Club will be chargeable to all pupils at a cost of £4.00 per session. This will be continuously monitored and reviewed.