Guide to Remote/Home Learning
Remote Learning Leads
The remote learning leads at Haselworth are Natasha Jones(HT) and Sian Hosmer(DHT) and are responsible for ensuring that the remote provision is equivalent in length and quality (as far as reasonably possible) as the core teaching pupils would receive in school. The amount of remote education should be as follows:
Key Stage 1- 3 hours a day with less for younger children
Key Stage 2- 4 hours a day
The English and Maths leads have dedicated leadership time to oversee the quality of provision. Other subject leaders are also required to monitor the standards of remote education. All leaders are expected monitor, review, evaluate and feedback to the HT, DHT and Governors over the course of the academic year.
At Haselworth, when a class, group or small number of children need to self -isolate, or there is a local lockdown requiring pupils to remain at home due to Covid 19, the school will provide home learning. We understand that the ability to access home learning will be different for different families. Therefore, as a school we will ensure that any home learning set can be accessed in the form of paper based copies, SEESAW assignments, Tapestry posts, webpage content (ours and other educational websites) but it will always be linked to the Curriculum offer at Haselworth. When setting home learning, the staff will consider the needs of the learners.
All work must be completed in a 'Home Learning' book which can be brought back into school. These will be issued to children as required. It is the school's expectation that home learning which is set is completed if your child is fit enough. This is because the children, on their return to school, will continue from the point of the last home learning task set.
When teaching pupils remotely, we will:
- Set assignments so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects
- Teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject
- Provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher in the school or through high-quality curriculum resources or videos
- Gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum, using questions, low stakes quizzes and other suitable tasks
- Provide scaffolded practice and opportunities to apply new learning
- Provide timely and frequent feedback on progress
- Teachers will adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding
- Provide parents with a suggested timetable for home learning
- Monitor the quality of the remote learning through monitoring by subject leaders
This might seem daunting to some parents so the school will support you as much as possible, particularly if the children are being introduced to new content. The school will:
- Provide pre-recorded videos or links to online tutorials (e.g Oak Academy) to reinforce or to introduce new content based on our curriculum
- Share any resources, including online and written tasks with home learners. Staff will do this electronically and it will be the responsibility of families to print/use these resources at home. If access to a printer is not possible the school will provide printed resources.
- Respond, within reason, promptly to requests for support from families at home. This should be done via phone, email, SeeSaw or Tapestry.
- Staff will remain in contact with families through email, phone calls, Tapestry and Seesaw. Where possible, if a ‘nest’ is isolating due to Covid 19, live video conferencing between teachers and children will take place weekly, in line with the school’s policies and procedures for this type of communication