Attendance at Haselworth
We know attending school every day and on time is important to good academic progress, as well as developing and thriving in social skills and friendships. At Haselworth, we work hard to support and reward good attendance in lots of ways.
Breakfast Club
We run a Breakfast Club for all pupils every day from 7.45-8.30am. The gate will close at 8.00am for security reasons. The cost of this service is £4 per day. This must be booked in advance. Please contact us to discuss arrangements for post and current looked after children provision.
Children can have breakfast, which includes a range of cereals and toast.
They also have the opportunity to spend time with their friends and peers, including playing games and with toys. At the end of club, they are accompanied to their classes at 8.30am ready to start their school day.
Breakfast club is popular, with on average 40 children a day coming along.
A warm welcome!
Children and carers are welcomed into school every day, usually by the head or deputy. This provides a warm welcome to children, as well as the opportunity for parents and carers to pass on any messages or concerns.
School starts at 8.25am, with a rolling registration until 8.35am. This allows families to come in when they are ready, and avoids everyone coming in at once!
School finishes at 3pm.
Daily checks are undertaken by the Head Teacher during registration to see if there are any absences, which are then followed up by the school office. If necessary, social workers and other relevant agencies will be notified if the school has a safeguarding concern over the absence.
When attendance could be better….
Any child with attendance below 96% over a termly period will be sent a letter home, informing parents and carers of their child’s attendance for the term, along with any resulting actions.
In cases where a child has regular absences or lateness, this will be addressed. Initially, this will be through a discussion with parents, with a warning given.
If this problem continues then parents will be asked to come into school for a meeting with the school inclusions leader and possibly Headteacher. Concerns will be outlined and an action plan put in place, with minutes of the meeting recorded and sent home.
We can refer to the school nursing team for additional help if it is felt a child’s health needs are impacting on their attendance.
We will also offer an early help hub referral if we or parents feel this would be helpful in gaining some additional support.
If, in spite of these measures, attendance continues to be a significant concern, then further action will be taken. Once county thresholds are reached of 10 O coded sessions within 10 weeks, Parents will either be issued a penalty notice fine, or a referral will be made to the attendance legal panel team. These can result in fines, or possible legal action. Parents will be asked to meet once again, and letters will be sent informing of any action taken.
Taking holiday in term time which is not authorised will also incur a penalty fine of £60 per parent per child.
Hampshire Code of Conduct for attendance has now changed, and it is vital that children are not late or absent without good reason, as the County will now prosecute. Guidance for this can be found below
Attendance Policy
For our Attendance policy, please refer to our Policies page or click the following link to take you direct to the page