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Week 2 W/C 11th January

Staying safe online: a short video for children on keeping safe online.

Still image for this video
After watching the video, there is a short multiple choice activity below.

Phonics 11th January

Phonics 14.1 ue lesson 2

Guided Reading wc 11.1


Still image for this video
This is lesson one of our history topic, The Stone Age to Iron Age. Watch the video and then complete the activity sheet.

RE Special Places Lesson 1

English 11.1 Imperative verbs

English 13.1

English 14.1 Planning lesson

Maths 11.1 powerpoint Y1 and Y2

Maths 11.1 Year 2 resource

Maths 11.1 Doubles to double 10 extension Year 1

P4C conversation cards. These cards are open ended so the children are free to discuss however the would like. Some good starter questions are the 5w's, who, what, where, why when? What do you know? Think? Wonder?

Art Friday 15.1
