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Monday 1st March

1.3 Maths

Year 1 will consolidate this skill but add a level of new challenge by using bigger numbers and by recording it as a number sentence. Once the children have completed the challenge on the slides, pick 5 numbers for them to find 1 more of depending on their confidence. They are expected to work up to 30 at this point but fore more confident children try up to 50 / 100. It often supports the learning if you use a pattern, for example, 54,55,56,57,58, so the child can explain what is happening in the number system each time they add 1.

For a challenge, try the mastery cards or ask your children to add 1 to a number that will bridge a ten's number, for example, 29 + 1 = 30, 30 + 1 = 31 Year 2 will learn how tens and 1's knowledge can help them quickly add ten to a given number using patterns the learnt last week.

1.3 English adverbs using 'ily'

1.3 English usign adverbs where you need to change the ending before adding 'ly'

Today's lesson follows the format of Friday but teaches children that if the root word ends in 'y' it has to be kicked out and replaced with 'i' before adding the adverb suffix 'ly' The challenges are the same to allow the children to focus on this new grammar element.

1.3 Phonics 'ey' as 'ay'

PE Stay active and healthy week

History The Stone Age to Iron Age Lesson 7

Still image for this video
In this lesson we look at Iron Age homes and settlements. Why and where did the villages or small towns form?