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Wednesday 3rd February

3.2 Maths 3D shape building if you can, if not, use the 3D shape cards attached to talk through the mathematical properties of the shapes.

3.2 English


In school today we need more time to finish off the middle of our stories, lots of children did some great writing about the bubble being under the sea but they need another session to do the same at the same level and quality for space. If you're child has finished the middle and has edited, feel free to use this session to do whatever you would like to, spellings, maths, PE, a walk, whatever would be good for you. Tomorrow we will move on to writing the ending before editing or publishing on Friday. If you feel that your child would benefit from writing daily to keep routine, perhaps choose a writing based activity from the Smeds and the Smoos guided reading work for today. This is not an expectation of course, just if the consistency would help

Science Materials and their properties Lesson 4

In lesson 4, we refresh our materials and property knowledge, but now go on to apply this knowledge to a creative project - to make a shoe. This was chosen because it's easy for home learners to find suitable material - plastic bags, cardboard, paper, foil, fabric - whatever you have lying about! It's important to fill out the activity sheet to reinforce the learning. Practical activities such as these are a key part of the learning, and hopefully will be fun! I'd love to see a photo or video of the shoe you make!
